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Wildlife Food Plots
Don't have the time?
Don't have the equipment?
Doves, Deer, Pheasants?
Let us take care of the details of your property allowing you to focus your time on enjoying the land instead of worrying about it. A true food plot does not get harvested and is available to wildlife many months of the year. Thus we generally handle food plots of 5 acres or less but you may have several smaller plots around your property. Tell us what your goals are and we will come up with a plan for you. Maybe you need everything or maybe you just need someone to plant. No matter what don't hesitate to contact us for any food plot needs. We have a Drill and a Planter which allows us to plant single seed type plots or mixes of various seeds. Whether it is Spring, Summer, or Fall there are food plot options we can provide.
Big results can be had with small food plots!
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